Wednesday 1 September 2010

Aramco's Ramadan Festival [5] [ The Second Piece ]

in the Second Piece El-Seed joined .

since this piece is bigger he suggested that all pieces should have a unified background with a message that sums all the graffiti individual pieces.

the main theme was an arabic writing in the background that said : people's hearts changes faster than the view of the city

then all sketches were fitted in the massive sketch as shown at the hotels mini meeting room.

since moving out to the wall was after [ eshaa2 prayers ] time before then was used for planning

as you can see here el-seed was giving instructions about the background and writing

met at lobby before fotoor [ ramadan breakfast ]

these are pictures for the crew while working

el-seed sharing tips with us and khadeeja at the back

this is Mr Dos working just next to me

this is Memo standing and Amal sitting down [ the lady behind the event ]

 Linj looking at the sketch with elseed

this is Mr. Deviangel painting his mettalic dragon on the far left

guys here are chating with the east coast fellas

elseed working on hie piece 

the girls were taking a rest

time for packing 

a group picture was taken at the end

this is the final piece ( please click to enlarge it )

this part at the far end to the right was mine.

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